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Bus Transportation

Bluff Dale ISD Transportation



The MISSION of the Bluff Dale ISD Transportation Department is to safely provide efficient, cost-effective, and reliable transportation service to the students and staff in a manner that supports the educational and extra-curricular objectives of the district.



Eligible riders: Bus transportation is available for all eligable Bluff Dale ISD students. 


Route Design: Bus routes are created to enhance student safety as well as to maximize vehicle efficiency. We attempt to place every bus stop at a location that provides the highest safety assurances for our students. Bluff Dale ISD locates bus stops to maximize visibility for both students and vehicular traffic. Bus stops are created to allow students to wait off main roadways for the bus. Stops are also created to minimize the distance that students may have to walk to their assigned bus stop. Bus routes are designed in an attempt to limit student riding time to no more than one hour one way. In most instances, eligible riders will ride less than 30-40 minutes one way.



1. Cooperate with the bus driver at all times

2. The bus driver has the right to assign seats to all riders

3. You can only ride your assigned bus unless the office has been notifiedy by a legal guardian 

4. You must stay seated in your seat at all times.

5. All students shall board and leave the bus in an orderly manner

6. Keep the bus clean – do not eat or drink on the school bus

7. The aisle must be kept clear at all times

8. Be courteous to everyone. No profane, lewd, obscene language, singing or disruptive behavior will be tolerated

9. Keep your head, hands, and feet inside the bus. Do not hold or throw any object out of the window

10. Vandalism or destructive behavior will not be tolerated



It is the goal of the Bluf Dale ISD transportation department to provide safe and orderly bus service for all eligible student riders. In order to do this it is imperative that students behave properly and abide by the bus safety rules. Student misconduct will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in a progressive manner. The driver will first attempt to deal with a misbehaving student by reminding the student of the infraction and asking the student to obey the rules. If the student continues to disobey the rules the driver may elect to move the student to an assigned seat. If repeated misconduct continues to occur the driver will generate a discipline referral complaint form and the principal and parents will be notified. The principal will determine the appropriate disciplinary measure which can include temporary suspension or permanent removal of transportation privileges.